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Holistic Life Coaching Programs

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Does this sound like you?


  • You’re finding it difficult to get clear on what you truly want from your life and career

  • You feel unfulfilled and often find yourself comparing your life to others thinking, “Why can’t I have that too?”

  • Your life is busy but you feel disconnected from your truest self

  • You’ve read all the self-help books but there is still something ‘missing’

  • You feel trapped by fear, lacking the confidence to go for your dreams

If so, a holistic coaching program with me will help you to:

  • get clear on what you want from your life and take steps towards your goal, celebrating your progress along the way​

  • understand what’s been holding you back so far and take actions to overcome any barriers

  • re-find your motivation and drive to leave you feeling more positive and content

  • set up self-care routines that work to develop a positive mindset, allowing you to experience more inner peace

  • notice the thoughts in your mind that are holding you back and take steps to reframe them

  • bring well-being practices and mindfulness into your everyday, giving you the precious time to nurture what brings your soul alive.

Get in touch

6 weeks of guidance

3 / 6 month program


12 weeks of support

90 minute 1:1 call


90 minutes of expert help

Coaching in nature




The clarity call  with Abi has been really useful to help me get clear on where I want to go from here. I feel like I now have a plan to move forwards.


Abi is excellent and goes above and beyond what may be expected of a life coach and I'm grateful for her thoroughness and all the additional support she gives.


Through the sessions I was able to connect to my bigger picture and my why. Abi kept me answerable to this vision which enabled me to see my blind spots and when I was procrastinating.

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